The first time I went to cook up this recipe, I realized that the chicken had gone bad. That night (luckily) we weren't hungry so it all worked out. Have no fear, we ran out and bought more chicken and the recipe has been saved!! I know, I know... pointless story. The moral of the story might be don't wait days before cooking with the chicken. If you do plan on waiting, put it in the freezer. To our defense we were just too busy and couldn't think straight.
Any-who...after a VERY long day in the office, I'm happy to say I was pleased at the how this dinner came out and enjoyed every bite.
Here it is:
What you'll need...
1-2 packages of Thinly Sliced Chicken Breasts
1/2 cup of Ricotta Cheese
Dash of Parmesan Cheese
Pasta Sauce (Enough for each piece of chicken)
Italian Breadcrumbs (Enough for each piece of chicken)
Spinach (yes, the green leafy stuff - just about the only "healthy" thing in this recipe)
Steps to feed the hungry family...
Sorry... I couldn't help myself.
Step 1: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Boil a pot of water for the spinach. Cook the spinach for only 2-3 minutes (until wilted). Drain the water and put the wilted spinach on a cutting board. Chop up the spinach.
Step 2: Put the Ricotta Cheese in a bowl with the chopped up spinach and mix well. This will be the filling for your chicken.

Step 3: Wash the chicken and add to the casserole dish. Add the spinach and cheese mixture and spread on the tops of each chicken breast.
Step 4: Carefully roll up the chicken and cheese mixture and add a toothpick. I added the toothpick and then flipped the chicken "roll" so that the toothpick was now on the bottom. There's a reasonable explanation (in my head it was at least)...this is because we are going to cover the chicken with sauce and breadcrumbs and I didn't want the toothpick to get in the way. If you don't like it then please let me know your secret and I'll try it next time ;).
Step 5: If you read step 4 you are probably already adding your favorite sauce and breadcrumbs (with a little melted butter might I add)...

Step 6: Cook in the oven for about 35-40 minutes.
Enjoy!! The pictures don't do it justice because I was in a hurry to eat, but trust me it's good...